Are you constantly overthinking things, filled with anxiety, and can’t seem to escape the feeling?

You might also struggle with:

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  • Feeling nervous, amped up, or on edge most of the time

  • Plagued with fears that something awful may happen

  • Trouble relaxing and feeling so restless it’s hard to sit still or even sleep

  • Moodiness, irritability, impatience, and anger

  • Worrying constantly and too much about everything

  • Perceiving ordinary situations and events as threatening even though they’re not

When anxiety shows up, it’s hard to focus or concentrate and get through the tasks of daily living. It can be difficult to function at work or school. Meeting new people and forming relationships is hard or feels nearly impossible. Your body is in a chronic state of tension. Persistent headaches, speedy thoughts, racing heart, and upset stomach are some common symptoms. It hasn’t always been this way and it’s gotten to the point where you want your life back.

Anxiety is “normal”

Even though anxiety feels extremely uncomfortable, believe it or not, it is a normal reaction that’s built into our physiology. Anxiety is a signal that comes from our bodies to inform us that we’re in danger or threat. Anxiety is our body’s way of protecting us. The problem is when being in danger or threat mode becomes the only way you know how to be. 

When anxiety is present, it invades all areas of your life. Some people find themselves struggling with social anxiety where social interactions of any kind can cause irrational fear.

Symptoms of social anxiety include:

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  • Constantly replaying interactions of any kind after they happen

  • Chronically cancelling or avoiding social situations or events

  • Concerns about offending someone or saying the wrong thing

  • Your mind going blank or getting tongue-tied when it’s your turn to speak

  • Fear that people will see something bad about you and reject you for it

  • Physical symptoms of: trembling, sweating, rapid heartbeat, stomach upset

Other forms that anxiety can take are panic attacks, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), and phobias. There is no one cause for why anxiety conditions develop. Some reasons for anxiety may include work stress, health issues, family or relationship problems, loss or impending loss of a loved one, a traumatic incident, or childhood abuse.

Life with anxiety can feel exhausting and draining. Whatever the cause, you are ready to get to the bottom of things and learn new ways to cope and manage.

When all you know is fight or flight, red flags and butterflies all feel the same.
— Cindy Cherie

Anxiety Therapy can help you feel calm and in control

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Each person who comes to therapy has a unique anxiety story which will influence how anxiety therapy will be delivered. All clients can expect a customized approach to address your particular symptoms and a tailor-made plan will be created to support you in finding relief and a path to moving forward.

Anxiety therapy offers help in a number of ways including helping you learn healthy coping skills to make your life less stressful, more relaxed, happier, and at ease. Where there’s anxiety, the body and mind can be a very uncomfortable place. As a body-based therapist, I will teach you how to tune in and employ effective strategies for having a quiet mind and a calm body. During anxiety therapy you will also learn what’s driving your anxiety and together we will address the root cause of the problem so that your symptoms can stop negatively affecting your relationships, career, school, and the choices you want to make. 

Other ways I offer support include EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) therapy to process past distressing events which may be driving the anxiety, mindfulness skills training, and delivering the Safe & Sound Protocol, a research-based audio intervention designed to reset your nervous system to operate at a calmer state.

You may still have questions about how anxiety therapy really helps

How do I know if I need anxiety therapy?

If you find that you’re self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to reduce your symptoms of anxiety, this may be a sign to consider getting help. Other signs to watch out for are: when fear and worry take up a significant part of your day, limiting activities or life choices (such as social events, traveling, or passing up work opportunities), and, lastly, feeling consistently worked up by playing out worst-case scenarios in your mind for yourself and people around you.

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I’m taking anxiety medication. Isn’t that good enough?

Although anxiety medication can be helpful to reduce symptoms, medication does not get to the root of the problem. This means that the anxiety never truly goes away and individuals become dependent on the medication to get through the day. Also, many people find that they still feel anxious even on medication. For those interested in something more than “getting through,” therapy offers you a deeper understanding of what the anxiety stems from as well as strategies and tools to reduce and even prevent overwhelming anxiety altogether.

Overcome anxiety and get back to living the life you want to be living

Many people who live with anxiety suffer quietly and needlessly. If you’re ready to take control and power over your stress, worry, and anxiety, please contact me at: 210.802.2697 to schedule a 20-minute free consultation.

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